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What is the

“What Are You ‘Hungry’ For”

Workshop All About?


Our Vision: Uncomplicating food and nutrition and embodying nourishment as a full body experience. Your body is a sacred home.


Food and health are complicated concepts that can be overwhelming. Food, diet and body concepts are not “one size fits all.” After being in this field for years, Samantha Mero, a licensed therapist and eating disorder survivor, and Suzanne Chasalow, a holistic nutrition consultant and educator have both noticed a pattern emerge: We often have a skewed perception of health and use food to fill a “hole” or gain a sense of control over our lives. This leaves us wondering: What are we really desiring? What do we need? How do we actually nourish our bodies effectively?


Studies show that we live longer healthier lives when we feel connected and cared for. When we give to others, we also thrive. Through creating a supportive, empowering community and a sense of connection, we see that we aren't alone. 


This introductory workshop is meant to ease you into a safe space where you can explore your relationship to your body and food within a like-minded community. Sharing our truths helps to reduce shame. Samantha Mero, LCSW, and Suzanne Chasalow, NC, have teamed up to create an interactive, educational, deep experience. In this no-judgment zone we will guide you towards gaining more personal agency about how you relate to yourself, your body, nutrition, and health. We will explore steps we can take towards waking up our sensory bodies to spark vibrant aliveness through slowing down and noticing.


This workshop may be for you if you:

  • Are ready to turn shame into curiosity

  • Want specific, diet culture-free, research-backed education on nutrition

  • Are looking for the next step into your journey towards healing and connection

  • Want to view your body as your sacred home

Meet your hosts:

Samantha Mero, LCSW 
Suzanne Chasalow, NC 



Hi All! My name is Samantha and I am a licensed therapist in California. I specialize on working with anxious, people-pleasing folks who are motivated to heal from past trauma and stop self-sabotaging! I am a Certified EMDR therapist and I enjoy witnessing folks journey from feeling stuck to living a life aligned with their values. 

I have lived experience with eating disorders and especially enjoy working with folks who struggle with disordered eating and body image distress. Having liberated myself from the grip of food and diet culture has been beyond transformative to me and how I live my life. My goal with this project is to help you move in the direction of healing your relationship with food, your body, yourself, and the world.

Hi! My name is Suzanne Chasalow, and I am a classical musician, lover of dance and yoga, trained NIA teacher and, more recently, a holistic nutrition and lifestyle consultant and educator. I am a teaching assistant at Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts, and love helping people, from a place of deep compassion, find their own paths to wellness and vibrant aliveness. I lead workshops and see clients one-on-one, and can be found at


My path towards embracing my wholeness has been a long circuitous one. I am still learning to fully love and accept my body and see it as a sacred place meant to be nurtured. I believe that we are all born whole, exploring all of our senses as babies, with wonder and delight, and often forget that along the way. My intention here is to help other people reconnect with the aliveness that comes from waking up sensory awareness by slowing down, breathing, noticing. In reconnecting in the body, slowing down the nervous system, we can come to a place of internal safety. From there we explore not only what foods support our deepest nourishment, but also what other life factors nourish us.

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